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Complex-Gaming Tekkit Classic


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Terrible staff, power hungry and will look for any reason to mute or ban you. Made some jokes in chat, and the owner banned me, then banned my brother also even though he had nothing to do with it. Power tripping, makes sense that nobody plays on the server
Posted 10th Jul 2023
the staff do not care about there player base, they constantly threaten players. I would not recommend this server. the Co-Owner doesn't care about you and will harass you with threats about removing you from the server.. I recommend FIND A BETTER server whos staff will value you as a member.
Posted 12th Jul 2022
Literally the least fun server I have ever been on. Way too many rules and power hungry staff. I made a mistake and they followed me around for hours and targeted me when I called them out. DO NOT PLAY ON THIS SERVER
Posted 7th Jan 2022
its meh. but they banned me from the discord for saying "rip server ded" after it literally crashed for over an hour (and the map rolled back an hour of progress) so i didn't wanna keep playing on a server run by admins that get triggered over something as little as that
Posted 10th Aug 2021
Sadly the server use's fake players, probably since Tekkit Classic is dead modpack, and have to stay relevant in someway.
Posted 22nd Mar 2021
TLDR: GO SOMEWHERE ELSE, unless you don't mind being under constant watch and control. Then go ahead and join this server

"Balanced Economy" is a complete lie. There is absolutely NO room for price variety in this server. You either follow the minimum prices or don't sell at all. That rule alone completely negates the 'thriving business owner' aspect. How can you thrive when everyone sells EVERYTHING at the same exact price? And don't expect to compete against other existing shops either as admin ran shops get most, if not all, of player traffic. The most likely thing to happen is you'll go broke trying to keep your shop open.

Another thing is that there is a 'No Free Items' rule. You CANNOT give another player an item without them paying first. It doesn't matter what it is, 64 dirt or 1 diamond, they HAVE to pay. Not only will they wipe the item from your inventory if they find out, but you'll get a warning for doing so. To put it simply, you can't even be remotely friendly to others.

"No Banned Items" consists of literally 3 things. The rest is locked behind perks and other restrictions which you need to spend money, either in-game or actual money, to unlock.

The "Custom Plugins" programmed into the server easily ruin the fun of exploring Tekkit. From disabling the redstone command in Computer Craft, to completely removing the ability to place chests next to Red Matter furnaces. They seem more focused on trying to make sure you can't bypass timers than they do on trying to make the game fun.

This server offers player's bonuses and other incentives based on them leaving good reviews and voting.

Let's not ignore that the in-game lottery system is rigged. It favors donators and staff 9/10 times.

"Experienced Staff" are friendly when they want to be, but at least they do offer help when needed. Regardless that they abuse their privileges and rank, there is normally at least 1 member online at all times.

"Active Community" is very true. Most players are friendly and like to share what they're creating or building, or even help you fix a machine or two.
Simply put, if you don't mind having to obey to nearly 30 separate rules and multiple plugins that restrict the fun of Tekkit Classic, go ahead and play. Otherwise, I'd say to AVOID THIS SERVER. You're better off making your own or finding another.
Posted 15th Oct 2020
Bad server : fake players multiple times seen my duplicate name in game. quited!
dont recommend to start play in this lagy and buggy server.
Bad staff too..
Posted 17th Jun 2020
Server is Poorly kept damage in spawn and needless to say fake players with the owner and admins no stop abuse. Constant lag for the server with nothing in it.
Posted 18th Apr 2020
If you looking for a good tekkit surver well you found it ive been playing thid for 2-3 years still here
Posted 30th Sep 2019
I have had a great time on this server! By far one of the best Tekkit Classic servers I have been on. Excited to see its community grow!
IGN: cclevenger
Posted 25th Apr 2019
Staff are poorly trained, bugfixes are few and far between. There are most definately banned items, that part is misleading. Server may have been polished at one point, but not anymore. Many items do not work and there are many bugs that haven't been 'fixed' in years. Owner admitted to me he didn't care about the server, just the money.
Posted 13th Feb 2019
Misleading advertisement with fake number of players online (Says 80, has 3 online). That alone, and reading other reviews already has me hating this server before even joining.
Notice how all "good" reviews contain IGN so that the owner can give free stuff to them.
Posted 24th Feb 2018
Nice server ! asgfugfihgfdsrýfáertáígfod
Posted 20th Feb 2018
Been playing the server for at least 3 months now and have loved every single bit of it. If you are looking for a friendly community to play with I suggest playing here.
Posted 24th Jan 2018
A fantastic, fun, and all-round great tekkit classic server. Helpful staff who know they're stuff, no banned items, and a fantastic player base. Have had plenty of fun of this server so far and look forward to having much more in the hours I plan to put in.
Posted 24th Jan 2018
In my days of playing on Tekkit classic servers, I've been on many servers. A lot of them are too laggy. Some just don't have a lot of admins to keep everything in order. A ton are complete chaos. Not this server. Complex gaming might have one of the best tekkit classic servers I've ever been on. There's almost always no lag. no banned items (which is amazing, because EMC farms work well). There's always people on willing to help anyone. Mods are active, admins are even more active and amazing. The community's nice (at least on survival), they are almost never putting people down. If anyone doesn't follow rules (which there are pretty few of) then they just get citations. Nothing really happens until you have three, where there's light bans. Over all, amazing server. I'm still active as dogbreathboy, and have made several friends and absolutely love the server. 10/10 server.
Posted 23rd Jan 2018
Looking for best Tekkit server? Go play on here! This is the best Tekkit server I know in my whole life!
Posted 23rd Jan 2018
Awesome server with very active staff. Always 50+ players online, 100% recommended.

Posted 23rd Jan 2018
Have been playing the server for a few weeks, the community is FILLED to the brim with fun and mature individuals.

This server is currently the ONLY server I bother logging into, it's just that good!

I HIGHLY recommend this server above all others, come check it out!
Posted 23rd Jan 2018
Like I already said on another website this is one of those servers that when you login for the first time you instantly get that feeling and you know this is going to be a good one no items are banned, there’s a full economy system, you are able to make claims and the staff is incredibly kind and helpful for example when I changed my username I lost 10+ hours of gameplay experience because I couldn’t build on my claim so I asked the staff to help me and in less than 10 minutes I was back to crafting my set of nano armor. I highly recommend you give this server a try I promise you won’t regret it
My ign is: Vaassu feel free to talk to me!
Posted 23rd Jan 2018
this server really should be on the top of the list if it isn't already. This server is amazing because it has very few banned items and nice staff.
Posted 23rd Jan 2018
Did some digging around and well apperently the owner has fake minecraft account on the server afk to keep the player county up. What a big troll....
Posted 9th Oct 2017
Staff abused me and muted me no reason given just happend.
Posted 9th Oct 2017
Server was meh. Nothing special broken plugins Nearly all items banned emc farm banned everything.
Posted 9th Oct 2017
Me and my friend went on this server invested 1 week into it and got banned for talking another language in /msg aka private chat
Posted 9th Oct 2017